Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Attitude!

I am a people watcher. That said, I was in line at Wal-Mart the other day, and there was a lady in the line next to me maybe a person ahead or so. She was older, in a wheel chair and she really didn't look well. She had two younger kids with her, maybe 6 and 8 or so (maybe her great grandchildren), and from what I could gather, I think she was raising them. From the over all picture, I would guess money was tight for her, her life was hard and her health was bad... As I found myself standing there thinking, "wow! what a sad situation"...I heard the cashier ask her how she was, and do you know what her reply was?? "I am BLESSED! How are you?"

I was amazed by that answer. I actually wanted to say "What?" Then I realized at that moment that often times I tend to answer that same question with some sort of complaint... "Okay I guess, just tried", or "I'd be better if I didn't have to go home and put these groceries away!" or "Just running ragged today"... you know, something along those lines. But after hearing her simply reply "I am Blessed!" I realized that her response was the best I had ever heard. It was really a wake up call for me.

So I have a new attitude! I am going to put my focus on all of the positive thing in my life. I am going to spend every day looking for all of the blessings God gives me, not just the big ones, but the small ones that I often miss because I am focused on what's wrong with my day... and just so you know, I will be counting you as one of those blessings!

How am I today? "I am BLESSED!" I hope you feel the same way today!


mandijwaters said...

Thank you for this story today... I feel like all I have done all day is gripe and whine about not being prepared for convention and my PTO stuff. I too am very blessed and should take more time to think of my blessings.

Thank you again Amy,

rockfestqueen said...

Amy, what an inspiration YOU are!! Thank you so much for sharing this with the world.

Michael J. Obney said...

We are blessed in many ways aren't we? I know I am blessed especially with you in my life.

I really like card too, but i am biased, I like all of your cards.