Monday, July 23, 2007

My sweet boy!

My sweet little guy, Keegan... He is a sweet, smart, imaginative, ornery, energetic, loving little guy. And most of all he is really a funny, funny little guy! My whole family quotes what we call "Keegan-isms" fairly often, because he just has a way of summing it all up!! (I am sure I will be sharing a bunch of "Keegan-isms" with you over time!) He cracks us up daily. He really has a funny take on things! I love the way his mind works!
One of my favorite things about him is that he has such a heart for Jesus! I love looking at God through his eyes! He talks to God like He is a best friend, relies on God with unwavering faith, seems sincerely grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Keegan really puts his whole heart into living for God. Truly, his absolute faith inspires me.

So he is 5 1/2 and starting Kindergarten really soon. Boy where does the time go? my best advice to a new parent? "Whatever you do, don't blink... the ties flies by too fast!"

This week he is in Arizona with his Grandma (my mom) visiting for a week. This is my first time away from him- pretty much ever- at least over night, so I am having major with drawls. It's just so quiet around here, toooo quiet. I have called a total of 7 times since we dropped him off yesterday... yes, I know, enough already! Tonight he tells me "Mama, I am having so much fun, I not missing you or nothing!" Ugh, what's a mom to do with a comment like that? I am so happy he's having fun, but hey! I wouldn't mind just a little missing on his part!! maybe if I stop calling so much, he'll have time to miss me! LOL!!! I'll work on that...

The up side to this is my hubby and I are getting some much needed "us" time. He's been gone so much over the last few years, it's nice to get to know him again. And we can do some serious talking about his upcoming retirement for the Navy, our future in the civilian world and our up coming move. I have really enjoyed just hanging out the two of us! Oh and we BOTH got to sleep in this morning, so nice!!!
I guess the other side of this is I am getting some much needed "me" time as well. I have been working on baby announcements for my cousin and his wife. They just had their first baby a few weeks ago. (Ian William Stark. Such a beautiful baby!) I am amazed how much more I am getting done in one setting. I guess I don't realize how often I usually start and stop what I am doing! WOW!
So I off now to make a hot cup of tea and watch The Closer. Thanks for stopping by and and for letting this proud mama ramble a bit about her sweet boy!

1 comment:

traciface said...

I love that picture of Keegan. Its so sweet, and precious. He's getting so big!