Monday, July 23, 2007

Take Two!

Okay... I tried this blog thing once before in May, but I never made it past the first post. I was trying to make it all about my love of stamping & only about my love of stamping and for some reason that was just to much pressure for me.
SO, instead, this time it's going to be about a little bit of this and a little bit of that. A little about my family, a little about my faith, maybe a recipe once a week, maybe a cleaning or organizing tip that I find useful, maybe a devotional or verse that inspires me, maybe a little venting and/or drama (just to keep it interesting!) and of course I will have a little tid bit now and then about what ever I am stamping or scrapbooking or just generally creating.
I am really excited about THIS type of format, so I suspect that I'll keep this one current. So grab a hot cup of tea (or whatever beverage makes you smile) and come hang out with me whenever you have some spare time... see you then!
God Bless!

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